Do you ever wonder how much of your credit card's monthly payment contributes to the actual credit card debt? Many people don't really care about it and continue enjoying the benefit of payment just the minimum amount due in their credit card statement. That's why so many people are in credit card debt and find themselves difficult to get rid of it. If you are in this situation, this article will tell why this happen and every extra dollar you put into your monthly payment speed up your credit card debt payment.
My fiance and I worked relentlessly to always stay ahead of our bills. We even saved a little here and there to some day buy the house of our dreams. We wanted children and we wanted more elbow room. The first two homes we had purchased were small and we were always cramped for space. A new home built just for us seemed to be the answer. Hey, we deserved it! We sacrificed long enough, right?
Possibly the main explanation for why debt is so stressful and such an issue for many people is because they feel helpless and hopeless when they are unable to pay their debt. Don't fret! There are always ways that you can go about working to pay off your debt, even if it is just a little bit at a time. It may seem silly, but paying off your debt, even if it is only twenty dollars here and there, is likely lessen the burden and stress that you currently feel.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
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